Child Support Calculator Child Support Calculator Parent One Income Interval: Weekly Biweekly Semimonthly Monthly Yearly Net Income ($): ⓘNet income refers to the amount after taxes and deductions. Parent Two Income Interval: Weekly Biweekly Semimonthly Monthly Yearly Net Income ($): ⓘNet income refers to the amount after taxes and deductions. Please ensure parenting time percentages for each child add up to 100%. Enter values in ascending order starting with the youngest child. Child 1 Parent One's Parenting Time with Child (%): 7% - 1 weekend per month 10% - 1 3-day weekend per month 14% - Alternate weekends 18% - Alternate weekends + 2 summer weeks 25% - Alternate weekends + 1 evening per week 50% - Equal shared time 75% - Mostly with Parent One 90% - Rare visits with Parent Two Parent Two's Parenting Time with Child (%): Add Another Child Calculate